Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why am I running?

I got back from lunch today with Tim and there was an email in my inbox about running the Chicago Marathon for Team Bright Pink. Almost immediately I thought "Why not?" First reason, the race has been sold out for some time. Also...I have kind of a track record for signing up for races and for some reason not being unable to compete (see Ravenswood Run last Sunday, Soldier Field 10 miler on Memorial Day weekend, and a few other runs thrown in). But this time, here's hoping for something different. 

So really, why? First, I am a runner (I swear!) so it's not that crazy. Not only can I run a mile (like the tagline says), but I can run multiple miles, like 10 even! Well actually, I'm not supposed to be running for another 4 weeks (more on that another time), but to me running a marathon is the ultimate athletic goal. 

Second, I love Bright Pink. It was at Bright Pink that I first heard of Lindsay Avner, the founder of the organization, who had a double mastectomy at 23 after testing positive for the BRCA1 genetic mutation. Hearing her story, well it made my decision seem easier. I myself am a carrier of a BRCA2 mutation and just had a double mastectomy. 

Probably most importantly why I am running is my sister Megan. Megan passed away 9/1/11 from metastatic breast cancer. Megan herself trained for the Chicago Marathon in 2009 as part of her Red Letter Year, but she got hurt and did a half marathon instead. The marathon is 2 days before her birthday. And 1 week before her memorial race. She is so endlessly intertwined in my thoughts of running (she started running 5Ks and it inspired me to start running), the Chicago Marathon, and breast cancer. 

I can't imagine running any other marathon, in any other place, any other time, for any other cause, with any other team. That's why I'm running. Wish me luck!


  1. J- i can't run a block because of my own health issues. But i have a cowbell and i can shake the hell out of it. I.ll be there cheering you on. You rock. You are a rock. Rock paper scissors... Enough. -kathleen

  2. Wooohoo! So proud of you and excited to read about your adventures!

  3. Wow!!! You rock!!! Let me know if you need motivation, advice, or a running partner!!!
