Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nice little Saturday

This weekend Tim and I were having our annual Independence Day party and among others, my runner friend Adam was in town to attend. I was scheduled to do 8 miles and considering all the party prep that had to be done, we did the run together from my house on the Lakeshore Path rather than heading to the South Loop to train with my training team. 

Adam just finished his first marathon in Alaska last week, at an awesome time of 3:34 (that's a pace just over 8 min/mile!). I gave ample warning that he would have to slow down to run with me, since I am more of a 11-12 min/mile pace on my long runs. As I've mentioned, I've been frustrated at the amount of walk breaks I've been taking. I know it's okay to take breaks, as it's been pretty hot and they help you go further and gain endurance, but it's disappointing when I know I can do better. On Saturday  Adam and I ran the whole 8 miles+ with no walk breaks at just under a pace of 11 min/mile. We stopped at the water fountains a few times (bless those), but that was it. This was a huge confidence boost for me, this is the longest distance I have run without stopping in over a year. I was gearing up for a long slog of a summer.  

It was also great to hear about Adam's marathon experience as a first timer, he had a lot of great information to share. 
Adam and I post run, ready to party!
And then I got engaged! Tim asked me to marry him at the party, in front of all of our friends. The party was a lot of fun and I'm very excited. It's pretty great to know someone will always be there for me (or with me!) at the finish line. Pretty great Saturday, if you ask me!


  1. Excellent work & I'll be back for 11 in a few weeks!

  2. so happy for you! what a great day.:)

  3. Hey Jocelyn! I just found your blog. We sat next to each other at the Bright Pink info session. So glad to hear you're doing well and that training is going great for you. I ran the half at the Chicago Women's race. We could've met up and said hi!

    See you soon! Can't wait to hear more about your training.
